
Latest 4-axis rotary tables from NIKKEN

As one of the leading manufacturers of CNC-rotary tables, they observe and study current trends and market demands very closely at NIKKEN. Their products offer proven and unique advantages in performance, reliability and accuracy for all applications and requirements. Thanks to constant research, development and innovation, the latest 4-axis rotary table series CNC260PLUS / CNC302PLUS has now been presented as a consequence.

The new CNC-PLUS series (CNC260P and CNC302P) offer unique features in terms of performance, reliability and precision for any application or requirement. Already the previous generations of this series have always been used on a wide range of vertical machining centres, thus enabling a fourth axis with minimal effort. With a completely redesigned and updated clamping system and a new design that takes better advantage of the standard pneumatic supply, numerous applications and requirements can be met and machined without the need for an additional hydraulic power unit.


The latest generation of the braking system can provide a clamping torque of up to 1550 Nm maximised by pneumatics – that is 2.4 times stronger than the previous models CNC260 or CNC302 (1430 Nm are achieved with an air supply of 5 bar, with a typical workshop supply of 6 bar even 1550 Nm are possible)! Both 4-axis rotary tables can be mounted vertically or horizontally to adapt to any application and significantly improve both the capacity and performance of your machining centre!

Sustainability: a central theme for NIKKEN, also in the development of high-tech rotary tables.

With the introduction of the new CNC-PLUS high-tech rotary tables, Nikken again underlines its commitment to sustainability and the search for ways to strike a balance between resource-saving, environmentally friendly production and high quality. NIKKEN underlines its clear vision of quality through the CNC260P and CNC302P series. For example, the new and improved pneumatic clamping allows various applications to be machined without the need for an additional hydraulic power unit, resulting in lower power consumption and making the need of storeíng, handling and disposing of potentially harmful oils reduntdant.


Face Plate Diameter 260mm


Face Plate Diameter 302mm

Using unique processes and design techniques (e.g. the innovative carbide screw as well as the ion nitride hardened worm wheel system), NIKKEN solutions offer decisive performance, reliability and accuracy advantages for any process or requirement, clearly setting them apart from the competition. Using unique processes and design techniques (e.g. the innovative carbide screw as well as the ion nitride hardened worm wheel system), NIKKEN solutions offer decisive performance, reliability and accuracy advantages for any process or requirement, clearly setting them apart from the competition. NIKKEN also offers a complete and extensive range of accessories that are precisely matched to the machine tool and component in question. These options include a wide range of clamping solutions, vises, customised tangs and workpiece fixtures, as well as a wide range of rotatable workpiece carriers and tailstocks designed and manufactured in-house by NIKKEN to meet all production requirements.

NIKKEN 4-Achs Drehtisch CNC260PLUS

The CNC260P and CNC302P rotary tables can be used on a wide range of vertical machining centres. They allow a fourth axis at minimal cost, with the famous NIKKEN reliability, making them a very sustainable investment. Especially when you consider their resource-saving concept while maximising clamping torque.





CNC Rotary Table Series

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